Free payment performance audit— Learn how OpenPay can improve your payment acceptance rate 5-10%
Subscription Analytics
Everything you need to monitor and visualize the health of your subscription business
Accurate revenue reporting and insights to understand your business and make better decisions.
Ditch the spreadsheets. Say hello to sleek, customizable dashboards and charts.
Keep track of MRR, churn, LTV, and all other top subscription metrics right out of the box.
actionable insights per day
subscriptions tracked
app uptime(excluding planned maintenance)
Insightful Anomaly Alerts
Actionable insights and anomaly signaling
OpenPay analyzes your historical and current subscription revenue data, signaling you of any anomalies or opportunities to focus your attention on. We’re here to help you get ahead of any fires, and make the most out of any trends.
Contextualize Customer Data
Robust segmentation and data enrichment
Identify customers with the best conversion and upgrade potential, pinpoint the most effective pricing plans, and drill down on attributes that drive LTV.
Customer Health Scores
AI-powered customer health scores
Know exactly who to target with specific offers and success motions at all times. OpenPay combines historical subscription revenue data with customer engagement data to determine which customers are most at risk of churning, most likely to come back, and most likely to increase their spend.
Seamlessly integrate with your workflows
OpenPay lets you integrate all your sales channels into a centralized billing system. Sync your CRM, accounting, and more for smooth workflows from day one.
Hear from our customers
"Using OpenPay has been a game-changer for managing my customer’s subscriptions. It’s intuitive, secure, and has enabled us to scale our business easily with its flexible payment options."
Matt Restivo, CEO at OddsJam
"Using OpenPay has been a game-changer for managing my customer’s subscriptions. It’s intuitive, secure, and has enabled us to scale our business easily with its flexible payment options."
Matt Restivo, CEO at OddsJam
"OpenPay has made expanding into global markets a breeze. I appreciate the seamless integration of various payment processors, which enhances convenience and ensures peace of mind with every transaction."
Anja Zhang, CFO at AccuWeather
"Since switching to OpenPay, our sales and billing processes are more streamlined than ever. Migrating over from our previous PSP was not only the smoothest transition, but it also resulted in significant cost savings."
Ben Dilts, CTO at Lucid