Kicked off Stripe?
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It’s not just you
You are not alone!
Stripe is strict about who they let on their platform. Rest assured, we’re here to help.
New businesses cannot trust @stripe

They literally holding all my money hostage and you cant get through to meaningful support. Just and endless wall of red tape.

Ive never had a refund request. So mad about this.
Hamel Husain
@stripe You have completely failed me and my partner, for no proper reason whatsoever, closed the account of a business that took a year to build, this is a huge mistake and need you to reconsider. Please DM me.
@stripe figure your stuff out.

Over $1M processed and over 400 transactions... you're going to let 2 false chargebacks start holding 25% of my rev

smh fix this now
Nizar Abdul-Halim
@stripe My account has been closed for 2 months. All my orders have been fulfilled. Where is the risk? Stop holding my money hostage. Give me my money and don't come near me again. @Stripe #StripeSupport
Beginning to see a lot of these types of posts about stripe 😬

I’m adding payments to my product in a week or so and was going to use stripe.

Now a bit cautious…
@stripe @stripesupport 5 months in, you've decided to put our money on hold for 4 months without any reason..

We have uploaded every single document you asked for and your AI auto-respond has rejected us

This with close to 0% disputes in the past month

Your literally stealing from people who are trying to make it in ecom

I have been using Shopify Payments for 2 years and never once had an incident like this

Absolute thieves
This is disgraceful. And ironic.

@stripe canceled an account used to collect money for a course. The cancellation was due to an AI/ML model failure.

The course was about how to use AI/ML correctly.
Jeremy Howard
@stripe, @patrickc & @stripesupport we've been stripe customer for over 5 years and today randomly got shut down.

We've had 0 disputes & 2 refunds in that time. Now you're holding thousands of dollars of our funds & kicking us off the platform.

Support has been absolutely useless. Truly unacceptable.
Marco Lange
Stripe banned our account again lol

Haven’t had a refund or chargeback in a year

They’ve now stolen 5 figures from us

@stripe @stripesupport is the biggest scam out there possible
Yousef | Info Wiz
Today @stripe blocked our account and hold all the money that we charged via @backerkit for shipping of #FlipperZero. Explaining this by the fact that we have a “risky business”. Pretty weird considering that Stripe already processed all our Kickstarter payments before.
Pavel Zhovner
Switching to OpenPay is easy.
And it’s you’ll never go back better!
Enable access to your Stripe account’s Raw Card Data APIs
This gives us the ability to process, transmit, and store your customers’ card data in a secure and compliant manner.
Generate new secret API keys
This enables us to migrate all of your customers and subscriptions from Stripe to OpenPay.
Enable new payment gateways
This ensures you can continue accepting payments from your customers without having to rely on Stripe.